Saturday, February 11, 2012


8:00 am 

They're not puppies now, so 8 isn't vital.  But 11 would be mean and would involve them having accidents in their crates.

When you do get up: They'll need to each pee pronto. Simon holds it better, so usually it's Annie first out. (They pee in the front yard first thing in the morning, which is easy.)

Then they get breakfast, which is a scoop of kibble in a pie plate, mixed with a generous bit of canned food from the fridge (approx. a sixth of a can) and very hot water. It should look like a pudding with kibble in it.

Put a capsule of l-theanine in the food if they have been seeming nervous or agitated.  Otherwise, don't bother.

About an hour after breakfast, they both go out for bathrooming.

1:00 pm dump a scoop or so of kibble in the pie plate. This keeps them from throwing up from hunger before dinner.

6:00 pm  dinner (same as breakfast)

If you take them out every three hours throughout the day, they should a. go right away instead of wandering in confusion and b. not pee on the floor.

Bedtime 9:00 pm This is when they get their beloved peanut butter bones.

If Annie hasn't pooped a second time during the day, it's extremely worth your while to take your time out there with her until she does. Because she will definitely have to before morning.

If you stay up very late, it's not a bad idea to take her out one more time to pee before you go to bed.  You'll get more shriek-free hours to sleep.

Adjust to fit your schedule!  It's fine to change it up.

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